

Tips to Pass the Time During Dialysis

Dialysis treatments can last between three and four hours and are done three times a week. When you add it up, that’s 9-12 hours each week you can spend on a number of activities or hobbies to help pass the time and keep your mind engaged.

Activities you can enjoy during dialysis

Your treatment provides you with a good opportunity to catch up on things you’ve wanted to do, but haven’t had the time, or to just relax. Here are a few interesting recommendations:

  • Do
    Catch up things like paying bills, responding to emails, shopping online and other odds and ends that may not be urgent, but need your attention. Being productive not only passes the time, but it gives you a sense of accomplishment.
  • Write
    Bring a laptop so you can blog, journal or tweet about your dialysis experience. If you’re not excited about that idea, you can write about whatever is on your mind, or something you are passionate about.
  • Create
    Knitting, crafting, scrapbooking or enjoying an adult-coloring page are fun, feel-good ways to lift your spirits. Create gifts for other patients, friends or loved ones who need a smile.
  • Socialize
    Take your mind off things and catch up with far away friends and family through your favorite social media tools, or connect with loved ones with text messages.
  • Learn
    Whether it’s reading a book, taking an online class, watching a video or listening to a podcast, the Internet is a great resource for learning. Take advantage of this time and immerse yourself in something new.
  • Meditate
    There are a lot of ways to meditate that do not involve yoga poses! Anything you find enjoyable and helps quiet your mind can have the same benefits as traditional meditation. So try an adult coloring book or tackle a puzzle to help you focus on something other than your treatment.
  • Listen
    Music is a terrific way to pass the time and is one of the best ways to relax during dialysis. Many people who listen to music during their dialysis treatments experience less nausea and pain, so bring your favorite songs, albums or bands with you!

With these tips you can make your dialysis treatments more productive, relaxing and enjoyable. If you need dialysis in South Texas, South Texas Renal Care Group is your resource for experienced, individualized care. Contact 210-212-8622 to learn more about our treatment options.

Fizzy Drinks and Kidney Disease

Doctors test blood pressure to see if the blood flow around the circulatory system is normal, low, or high. Too low or high blood pressure can lead to significant health complications like stroke, cardiac arrest, kidney failure, or brain damage.

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Comprehensive kidney care at state-of-the-art facilities

South Texas Renal Care Group offers everything from diagnostic testing and dialysis to guidance on kidney transplantation and clinical trial opportunities, right here in our modern, comfortable offices. We have many locations throughout San Antonio and South Texas, so you can spend less time traveling and more time focusing on your health.

Dedicated to meeting your individual needs

At South Texas Renal Care Group, you have our undivided attention every step of the way. You’ll receive the expert treatment you need and the personal care and attention you deserve.